Wasp Control

At Don Wilkinson Pest Control LLC, we take environmental issues seriously. Having said that, we do not kill pollinators (aka bees). If you have a bee problem we can refer you to a bee keeper to have them safely removed.

A wasp infestation can be dangerous for any person or pet on your property. Don't deal with a wasp problem alone - to remove wasps from your property, turn to the pros at Don Wilkinson Pest Control LLC and contact one of our wasp control technicians today to schedule your wasp removal services in the Johnson County Area.

Solve Your Wasp Problem

Reach out to Don Wilkinson Pest Control LLC for pest control services in the Johnson County Area

Dealing with wasps promptly is crucial for several reasons:

  • Safety Concerns: Wasps can sting multiple times, posing a serious risk to individuals allergic to their venom.
  • Property Damage: Wasps can build nests in eaves, attics, and other structures, potentially causing damage.
  • Outdoor Threat: Outdoor activities can be disrupted by aggressive wasp behavior, posing risks to families and pets.
  • Preventative Measures: Early intervention prevents nests from growing larger and harder to manage.

Why Wasp Control Is Essential

Eliminate Wasp Nests Safely and Swiftly!


Contact Don Wilkinson Pest Control LLC today to schedule expert wasp control services and ensure your property in the Johnson County Area remains free from these stinging pests.

  • Expertise and Experience: With decades of experience, we have the knowledge to handle wasp infestations effectively.
  • Safety First: We prioritize safety, using proven methods and products that minimize risks to your family, pets, and property.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Our commitment to exceptional service ensures that you receive personalized care and effective solutions.
  • Guaranteed Results: We focus on delivering long-term results, ensuring your property remains free from wasp nests.

Why Choose Us for Wasp Control?